So lovely! In the words of the gals who make them over at the "Three Girls and Goat" etsy shop, "A paper whimsy, an elegant and fluttering addition for a touch of beauty to your everyday. Drape at your doorway, hang from your chandelier, decorate your celebratory table, or garnish your everyday with delicate delight."
Couldn't have said it better myself! Going to hang it from my windows. They are beautiful old windows that I don't want to cover up with curtains, so this will be perfect! And the gray in the picture is the same as my walls. Beautiful :)
They're so reasonably priced, too! Hand-cut and sewn, this is one of their pricier designs but it's still only $20 for 8 feet. Take a peek at their other garland designs. Which one's your fave?
Am I too predictable? http://www.etsy.com/listing/58564861/sweet-paper-garland-storybook-blue